JCM’s Ticket2Go is a standalone TITO system specifically designed for the Arcade/AGC/Bingo markets. These types of markets typically operate machines that are not capable of supporting the established TITO protocols commonly used in the casino and VLT markets.Ticket2Go offers a safe, secure and easy to use solution that has been deployed with a variety of AGC operators over the past two years.
The UK GBG (Gambling Business Group)’s new definition of TITO standards are supported by Ticket2Go and have been successfully deployed with several of the leading UK based AGC Operators.
Ticket2Go also provides a retrofit solution that allows older machines to be converted to operate onto the same TITO platform, allowing players to seamlessly move between the various technologies in the AGC & Bingo environments.
Merkur Engineering are official distributors for JCM international, Ticket2go system
We offer:
- Initial consultations
- Parts sourcing service
- Full installation services
- Sales and Rentals of TITO hardware
- Sales of TITO consumables
- Sales/Rentals of ATR/Paystations
- Ongoing Helpline